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How to Mount and Disassemble a Flexofold Propeller

Step-by-step installation instructions to mount a Flexofold propeller and simply follow the instruction in reverse order to disassemble.

Mounting Flexofold Propeller

The unique flexofold design ensures quick and simple installation. Just follow the step-by-step installation instructions. All parts needed are delivered with the propeller.

All mounting screws are pre-applied with underwater proof thread locker and can be installed out of or under the water.

Please click on the links below to download and see the installation guide for each propeller type. If you're having problems opening the files, please click here to download a free copy of Adobe Reader.

Failure to follow the installation instructions will void warranty!

Polish Installation Guides

Kindly note!

Normal fluidic threadlocker is not designed to be applied under water and attempts to apply it under water will ultimately fail. Applying regular threadlocker to the thread on dry land and allowing it to cure before the screw is mounted underwater will not work either, as there will be no adhesion.

If for any reason you have removed the propeller underwater do not reuse the screws when mounting again under the water. Please contact Flexofold for replacement screws that have the pre-applied threadlocker.

When reusing the screws out of the water, make sure to apply a medium strength version of threadlocker such as Loctite® 243 (blue).

Never use a threadlocker on the shaft nut. It will be difficult to dismount again.


Disassemble Flexofold propeller

Disassembling your Flexofold propeller is just as easy as mounting it.
Simply follow the mounting instruction in reverse order. 

Flexofold Prop Puller

If you have a shaft installation, the hub might be stuck to the shaft cone. In that case, we recommend that you use a puller. The Flexofold Prop Puller is designed for use on all Flexofold 2-, 3- and 4-blade propellers. You can buy the puller directly from Flexofold under Spare Parts.

How to use the Flexofold Prop Puller

Grease the thread. Simply place the puller behind the pivot pins. Remember to mount all the locking screws. A loose fit of the locking screws will prevent the pivot pins from falling out. Now, turn the screw against the shaft end to pull off the hub. If needed, strike the bolt end to apply a shock impact to the hub.
Heating the hub where it´s attached to the shaft cone will often help loosen the grip.


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